Intellijel Audio Interface 1U


Dual Balanced Line Audio Input and Balanced Line Audio Output

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SKU: INTEIO1U Categories: , Brand:


This module allows you to interface your Eurorack modular system to the pro balanced line level world (+4 dBu).  You can send and return to rack mount/desktop FX units, patch to external line-level instruments like synths and drum machines, interface to a DAW, and much more.


  • 2 x Balanced TRS 1/4″ to Eurorack modular level input paths
  • 2 x Eurorack modular level signals to Balanced TRS 1/4″ output paths
  • 4 x two-stage LED VU meter to monitor all inputs and outputs simultaneously
  • Uses high quality THATCorp balanced line drivers and receiver ICs.
  • Input path has up to 20 dB of gain which allows you to patch in low level consumer level signals and boost them. 0 dB = 10 Vpp (nominal Eurorack level)
  • Output path steps a nominal Eurorack level (10 Vpp) down to +4 dBu  with up to +6 dB gain.

This module connects to the Audio I/O JACKS module via ribbon cable. The same ribbon cable can be used to connect to the rear-mounted audio jacks of the 7U performance cases.

39 mA +12V
28 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
36 mm deep

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 20 × 15 × 9 cm