Here’s Addac’s 4 Voice Heuristic Rhythm Generator.
With 6 rhythm generation “algorithms / principles”:
- Euclidean (equal distribution)
- Golomb Rulers (inequal distribution)
- Probabilistic (predictable distribution)
- Game Of Life (organic progression)
- Footwork’n (inducted error progression)
- Pong (voltage controlled Pong game)
Plus a 4 channel Gate Sequencer Mode with 16 presets.
Add ADDAC402B Expansion for full I/O Midi control plus access to a powerfu midi interface, with:
- Midi Sync
- 5 cv to midi channels (notes and/or cc)
- 4 midi to gate channels
- All panel controls (knobs, switches and push buttons) as cc controls.
- All fully configurable with a midi learn feature for easier configuration.
140 mA +12V
40 mA -12V
0 mA 5V